Arshad Ghaffar


The founder and a vice-president of the Pakistan Branch of the International Law Association. Arshad’s interest in international law dates back to 1989 when he undertook the post-graduate course for an LL.M in international law at the University of Cambridge and was taught by eminent international legal personalities, including Phillipe Sands QC, Vaughan Lowe QC and Sir Christopher Greenwood QC.

Subsequently, Arshad worked as a research officer at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law where he assisted in producing the Bulletin of Legal Developments as well as with general editorial work for the International and Comparative Law Quarterly. Whilst at BIICL Arshad was involved in a research project on European Citizenship the results of which informed the subsequent provisions on European Citizenship in the Maastricht Treaty (the Treaty on European Union) of 1992.

Arshad began private practice as a barrister at the English Bar in 1991 and since 2000 has been a member of Chambers at XXIV Old Buildings, a set with a strong reputation for its international legal practice and the only set of barristers’ chambers with an annex in Geneva. In the course of his practise Arshad has had a number of cases and handled various matters which raise issues of both public and private international law and has attended at hearings in a large number of different jurisdictions.

Amongst other things, these have included questions of State and diplomatic immunity; interpretation and application of various international Treaties by domestic courts; maritime delimitation; recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments and arbitral awards and a range of issues relating to investor-state dispute settlement.

Currently, Arshad is a member of the ILA Committee on the procedure of international courts and tribunal and is an alternate member on the Committee on Global Cultural Heritage Governance. Arshad also regularly attends at the Executive Council Meetings of the ILA at which he represents the Pakistan Branch.

A full and detailed CV for Arshad is available at